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A few team photos (since I know how much everyone misses our faces) :



Enjoying a

Family Movie

Our Final Day

in Nsoko

6 responses to “Faces of Team Swazi”

  1. Hey Girls,
    Looks like you are having a blast. Can see that you have become a family.
    Just know that we are all so proud of you and looking forward to seeing you all soon. Cant wait to see pictures and hear stories.

    A Special hello to Bailey!!!!
    Love ya,

  2. Hi all,
    ABBY! Hi and love you! You look great as always! I love the “smile”! Can’t wait to hear all the stories; can’t wait to hear your voice! Can’t wait to see and hug you! You are such an encouragement to us all! Thanks for following the Spirit’s leading. You are in our thoughts and prayers always.
    Happy birthday to me to get these pictures of you on my birthday!

    Love from all of us,

  3. It is so good to see your face and all the faces of your teammates! I don’t know if you ever see these comments but jsut wanted you to know that we are so proud of you and love that you are having such a great adventure and learning so much from God. Go Team

    Love and hugs

  4. It’s so great to see the beautiful smiles God has placed on your faces, that can only mean your hearts are full of joy from the Lord. Keep up the good work and may God bless each and eveyone of you. Lindley, we love you, may your cup overflow! We are praying for you and your team everyday!

    Love you,
    Jessica, Donnie & Libby

  5. I’m glad to see you guys were able to be such a blessing to Nsoko. I was a part of the team that was there before you all in June and July. I have been following your blog and praying for you guys. It’s great that more people got the opportunity to be blessed by the amazing people of Nsoko. I hope that the rest of your time in Swaziland is just as much of a blessing as it has been so far and I will keep your team in prayer.


  6. Hello Bailey,
    This is Mark again, I just wanted to say hello and let you and your group know that ya’ll are in my prayers every night. You are doing gods will and I think that is just so wonderful!!! Love the pictures, it looks like you guys are having fun!! Take care Bailey and you are a wonderful person!!! (mom and dad are so proud of you)!! God speed girl!!! :-)) !