
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Well, if you can’t tell by the title or picture…we’ve arrived safely at our debrief location in South Africa!  It has been an amazing 3 months, and after a long, hot bus ride this morning, we’re here to relax, process, play, worship, shower, eat, pray, and spend time together for a few days before we head back home! 
Please continue to pray for us as we share with each other, reflect on what God has done in us and through us over the past 3 months, prepare to say goodbye to one another, and do what we can to prepare to re-enter life in the United States during the Christmas season!
I know that I speak for Pamela and Sydney as I tell you that it has been such a blessing to serve your daughters, sisters, and friends over the past 3 months as their leaders!  We are humbled that God would allow us a front row seat in watching Him transform their hearts and work through them to love the amazing people of Swaziland. 
And I know I speak for our whole team (and the many people we’ve met, loved, and served in Swaziland) when I say THANK YOU for your prayers, encouragement, and support for the last several months and years that God has used to bring each member of our team to where we are today!  We love you all and we’ll see you next week!

3 responses to “We’ve arrived safely in Nelspruit!”

  1. Thank you God!! We can not wait to see you girls. We are so proud of each and everyone of you! Counting down the hours now!
    Sharon (Baileys Mom)

  2. WE praise God for how faithful all you girls have been. Remember God truly wants our hearts and that is what you girls have all given! Julie we are anxious to see you, but only a few more weeks- hang in their babe- and prepare for the DARK, the COLD, the WIND, yet the warmth, of home and “Luke’s- here comes the fam!! Love, Mom